HomeNews and events

Preparatory meeting for Poland

Our Quarantinart team had quick meeting about our next visit in Poland. We did an update on the work which is done and came with some new ideas for our further activities. Our next steps are focusing mainly to develop the efficient curricula and modules for our online course.

Creativity Boost Guide

We proudly introduce you our 1st Intellectual Output the Creativity Boost Guide which focuses on the changes in the art sector for women during pandemic and what can be done in this area. One part of the guide also show us the results of the research done in all involved countries.

Quarantinart 2nd Newsletter

Quarantinart team presents our second newsletter! Newsletter will inform you about the work, which was done last couple of the months and also about what activities we are preparing for the future. If you do care about art and empowerment of women this is definitely for you.

2nd Consortium Meeting

The 2nd Consortium Meeting  of QuarantinArt was realized in Copertino Italy. Thank you Rinascita Europe for being an excellent host and all the other consortium members for the great discussion on the progress and the future activities. Even when not all of us could attend physically we managed....

Quarantinart 1st Newsletter

Quarantinart Project Consortium presents the first newsletter! If you are interested in support women with knowledge, key competencies and tools for improving understanding of artistic environments and diversity concepts in order for people who do not have the luxury to learn how to invest in art,...

Kick Off Meeting

After a long period of meeting our partners online, the time has come to see each other face to face! The Kickoff meeting of Quarantinart was realized in Bratislava. Thank you Rinascita Europe Enoros Consulting Ltd and Tavo Europa and #EFID for your brilliant ideas and thoughts and BPI for hosting.

Quarantinart 3rd Newsletter

Quarantinart Project Consortium presents the third newsletter. As we are slowly finishing with the activities, the focus of this newsletter was mainly put on the work which has been done in the previous months mainly in the practical arrangements.

Third International Meeting

The third meeting of our Quarantinart Team took he place in Warsaw, Poland. Hosting organization EFID was on the spot by organizing all the details. The main point of the meeting was the discussion on the state of the Intellectual Outputs and possible further activities.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

01/03/2021 – 28/02/2023